
Faisal Al-Saud
Two Yale College seniors have been selected for the James C. Gaither Junior Fellows program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Top row: Ned Blackhawk, Marta Figlerowicz, Ben Hagari, Elizabeth Hinton; Bottom row: Tavia Nyong’o, Doug Rogers, Travis Zadeh
Seven Yale faculty members have received 2024 fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Eckart Frahm
Eckart Frahm is one of the world’s foremost experts on the Assyrian Empire. He joined Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 2002.
The award recognizes excellence in teaching in undergraduate programs and enables recipients to dedicate their summer to research.
On June 29, 2023 the network of scholars researching migration, gender and race in Global South contexts convened its first workshop. The workshop consisted of two sessions...
View of Beirut, Lebanon; Professor Robert Myers ’95 PhD (top right) and Professor Nada Saab ’03 PhD (bottom right).
They overlapped in their time as doctoral candidates at Yale—Robert Myers ’95 PhD in the Spanish and Portuguese department, and Nada Saab ’92 MPhil ’03 PhD in the Departments...
June 20 is World Refugee Day designated by the UN General Assembly. This year is a critical juncture for the international refugee response as the second Global Refugee...