Test Publications

Jonathan Wyrtzen

Jonathan Wyrtzen

Colonial state-building in Protectorate Morocco, particularly the total “pacification” of territory and infrastructural development carried out between 1907 and 1934, dramatically transformed the social and political context in which collective identity was imagined in Moroccan society. Prior...

Steven Fraade

Steven Fraade

Ancient Jewish writings combine interpretive narratives of Israel’s sacred history with legal prescriptions for a divinely ordered way of life. Two ancient Jewish societies have left us extensive textual corpora preserving interpenetrating legal and narrative interpretive teachings: the sectarian...

Frank Griffel

Frank Griffel

Scholars have come to recognize the importance of classical Islamic philosophy both in its own right and in its preservation of and engagement with Greek philosophical ideas. At the same time, the period immediately following the so-called classical era has been considered a sort of dark age, in...
Frank Griffel

Al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111) is one of the most influential thinkers of Islam. There is hardly a genre of Islamic literature where he is not regarded as a major authority. Islamic Law, Sufism, ethics, philosophy, and theology are all deeply shaped by him. Yet in the past thirty years, the field of...
Frank Griffel

The Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd (d. 1198) became famous among Latin European scholars as a commentator of the works of Aristotle. In Europe he was known as Averroes or simple as commentarius, “the commentator.” Active under the Almohads in Muslim Seville, Cordoba, and Marrakech, his various sets...
Frank Griffel

Gazlî, Islm dusunce tarihinin en dikkat cekici isimlerinden birisidir. Onun kelm, felsefe, tasavvuf ve fikih gibi disiplinlerin tarihinde bir donum noktasi teskil ettigi, hatta eserleriyle Islam toplumlarinin dini algilayis ve yasayislarinda da derin izler biraktigi, bilinen bir gercektir....
Frank Griffel

Frank Griffel, an internationally recognized expert on Islam, addresses urgent questions directly. What is that actually: “Islam” - is it a religion like Christianity that has been similarly shaped by conflicts with secular power and reason? Is there a conflict in Islam between faith and knowledge...
Frank Griffel

The Muslim thinker al-Ghazali (d. 1111) was one of the most influential theologians and philosophers of Islam and has been considered an authority in both Western and Islamic philosophical traditions. Born in northeastern Iran, he held the most prestigious academic post in Islamic theology in...

Gerhard Bowering

Gerhard Bowering

The first encyclopedia of Islamic political thought from the birth of Islam to today, this comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible reference provides the context needed for understanding contemporary politics in the Islamic world and beyond. With more than 400 alphabetically arranged entries...
Gerhard Bowering

In sixteen concise chapters on key topics, this book provides a rich, authoritative, and up-to-date introduction to Islamic political thought from the birth of Islam to today, presenting essential background and context for understanding contemporary politics in the Islamic world and beyond....